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- This program enables one to perform calculations on
- 1. Loans
- 2. Time Deposits
- 3. Annuities
- and
- 4. Interest Rates
- One may also elect to print reports such as
- 1. Loan Amortization Schedules
- 2. Time Deposit Tables
- and
- 3. Annuity Schedules
- WHAT IF ???
- Finance Analyzer is especially suited for "What If" Analyses
- with regard to finanacial planning.
- Some Examples
- 1. My daughter is 10 years old and will be going to college in
- 8 years. How much should I deposit in my savings account every
- month so that (with accumulated interest) I will have saved
- $30,000 by the time she is 18 and ready for college.
- 2. I am considering buying one of two computers. Both are equivalent
- in power and I estimate their useful life to be about 6 years.
- However, the first computer has a monthly maintenance fee $150
- less than the second but the purchase price of the second is
- $12,000 less than the first. Which is the better buy?
- 3. I am selling my old home and buying a new one. I am giving the
- buyer of my old home a second mortgage for $8,000 at 10% APR.
- I need to know how much I can expect in monthly payments from the
- second mortgage and I need a loan amortization schedule.
- Loans are determined by four factors.
- 1. The Amount Borrowed (or starting balance)
- 2. The Periodic Payment Amount (usually a monthly payment)
- 3. The Number of Payments
- and
- 4. The Interest Rate
- FINANCE ANALYZER allows one to compute any one of the above by
- giving values for the remaining three. You also have the option
- of printing a loan amortization schedule once all four factors
- have been determined.
- Enter the payment made for each loan period. Normally a loan
- period is one month but FINANCE ANALYZER allows any period from one day
- to one year.
- Enter the amount to be borrowed. For each payment made on this amount
- the amount due to interest will be be subtracted from the payment and the
- balance will be used to reduce the principal.
- @A.P.R.
- A. P. R. (Annual Percentage Rate)
- This is the interest rate as specified on a yearly basis. It is
- computed by multiplying the interest rate per period by the number of
- periods per year. (See also the HELP screen on INTEREST RATE.)
- FINANCE ANALYZER computes two types of annuities. In the first,
- a deposit annuity, a fixed amount is deposited each month and the final
- amount (as determined by the monthly deposits and interest rate, compounded
- monthly) is computed.
- In the second type of annuity, a withdrawal annuity, an initial
- balance is deposited in an account and accumulates interest compounded
- monthly. A fixed amount is withdrawn each month. The number of months
- required to deplete the account is computed.
- The factors involved in annuity computations are the following:
- 1. The Initial Balance (or Present Value).
- 2. The Payment Per Month.
- 3. The Ending Balance.
- 4. The Number of Payments.
- The user may request that an annuity schedule be created.
- For a deposit annuity this amount represents the amount of money which,
- if deposited at the time the deposit annuity began and allowed to accumulate
- interest, would have an ending balance equal to the ending balance of the
- annuity. This represents the "value" of the annuity in "today's" dollars.
- For a withdrawal annuity this amount is the minimum amount of money
- which, if deposited at the specified interest rate and allowed to accumulate
- interest, would not be depleted until the specified number of withdrawals
- had been made.
- FINANCE ANALYZER computes the growing balance on time deposits.
- The three factors which determine a time deposit are the following:
- 1. The Beginning Balance.
- 2. The Interest Rate.
- 3. The Ending Balance.
- One may compute any of the above by specifying the other two. The user
- may also request that a time deposit table be created.
- There are three different ways of computing interest rates.
- 1. A.P.R. (or annual percentage rate)
- 2. Effective APR (or Yield accounts for compounding of interest)
- and
- 3. Add-On Rate.
- A.P.R. is computed by multiplying the interest rate per period (the
- period is normally one month) by the number of periods per year.
- Effective A.P.R. (Yield) gives the interest rate equivalent to a
- stated A.P.R. as calculated above when the period is one year.
- Many truth-in-lending laws prohibit the use of Add-On rates. In years
- past loan interest rates were often quoted in terms of Add-On Rate. Add-On
- Rate computes the periodic (usually monthly) payment as if the entire Principal
- were borrowed for the entire length of the loan.
- Enter the amount which will initially be invested. This amount will
- accumulate interest for the specified number of periods.
- When STARTING BALANCE is being computed from Ending Balance,
- Interest Rate and Number of Periods (rather than specified) it represents
- the PRESENT VALUE of the Ending Balance for the specified Interest Rate and
- Number of Periods.